Description: Euphorbia fimbriata is a dioecious succulent shrublets up to 30 cm tall (but up to 1 m hight in shade) simple, or frequently suckering from the base and branching irregularly
Branches: 1,5 - 4 cm in diameter, erect to decumbent, simple or branching above, deep green, becoming reddish or brownish in sun.
Ribs: 7 to 15, rather compressed, more or less deeply grooved between, with somewhat raised and lumpy conical tubercles each with a white leaf scar, separated by horizontal grooves up to 4 mm apart.
Leaves: Rudimental, linear, acute, up to 3 mm long, rapidly deciduous.
Spines: The so called “spines” are solitary sterile peduncles up to 14 mm long usually maroon-tipped.
Inflorescences: Cyathia solitary in groups near branches tips, peduncles to 5 mm long with several small bracts. Male Cyathia up to 6 mm in diameter. Female up to 4 mm in diameter, nectar glands touching. Variable from green-yellow to purple or maroon.
Blooming season: The Euphorbia fimbriata blooms in winter.
Fruits: Subsessile.
Remarks: The related Euphorbia mammillarias has more hexagonal tubercles and starts branching above on the stem
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